Final Fantasy XVI is the latest installment in the popular RPG series, featuring a new protagonist, Clive Rosfield, and a new combat system that combines real-time action with strategic elements. Clive can use various abilities that are tied to the Eikons, powerful elemental beings that he can summon and control. Each Eikon has four abilities that Clive can learn, upgrade and master, allowing him to customize his playstyle and unleash devastating attacks on his enemies.
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But with so many abilities to choose from, which ones are the best to invest your ability points in? In this article, we will rank the 10 best abilities in Final Fantasy XVI based on their usefulness, versatility and damage potential. We will also provide some tips on how to use them effectively and where to find them in the game. Note that this list is based on the information available as of July 4th, 2023, and may change as the game receives updates and patches.
10. Downthrust
Downthrust is an ability that belongs to the Phoenix Eikon, the first one that Clive obtains in the game. It allows him to slam down on his enemies from the air, creating a fiery shockwave that damages anyone nearby. Downthrust is a great way to finish off your aerial combos, as it deals more damage depending on how high you are when you activate it. It also has a short cooldown time, making it easy to spam.
Downthrust can be learned for 15 ability points (AP), upgraded for 25 AP and mastered for 50 AP. Mastering it allows you to use it with any Eikon equipped, giving you more flexibility in your combos. You can find Downthrust in the Phoenix menu of the Abilities screen.
9. Lunge
Lunge is another Phoenix ability that lets Clive dash forward and slash his enemies with his sword. It is useful for closing the distance between you and your foes, especially if they are far away or trying to escape. Lunge can also be canceled with Magic Burst, a special move that consumes MP and unleashes a powerful elemental attack based on your Eikon. This gives you more options to chain your attacks and deal more damage.
Lunge can be learned for 20 AP, upgraded for 30 AP and mastered for 60 AP. Mastering it increases its potency and adds a fire effect to your slash. You can find Lunge in the Phoenix menu of the Abilities screen.
8. Swift Recovery
Swift Recovery is a passive ability that allows Clive to recover faster after being knocked down or back by an enemy attack. This is essential for surviving in Final Fantasy XVI, as some enemies have long and relentless combos that can leave you vulnerable for a long time. Swift Recovery lets you get back on your feet quickly and resume your offense or defense. It also gives you a chance to perform a Precision Counter, a special move that deals extra damage and staggers your enemy if you time it right.
Swift Recovery can be learned for 10 AP and does not require any upgrades or mastery. It is one of the first abilities you should learn in the game, as it will save you a lot of trouble in many situations. You can find Swift Recovery in the General menu of the Abilities screen.
7. Precision Dodge
Precision Dodge is another passive ability that enhances Clive’s dodging skills. It allows him to slow down time briefly if he dodges an enemy attack at the right moment, giving him an opportunity to counterattack or reposition himself. Precision Dodge is very helpful for avoiding damage and creating openings in combat, especially against fast and agile enemies. It also works well with Swift Recovery, as you can dodge after getting up from a knockdown.
Precision Dodge can be learned for 15 AP and does not require any upgrades or mastery. It is another ability that you should learn early on, as it will make your combat experience much smoother and more enjoyable. You can find Precision Dodge in the General menu of the Abilities screen.
6. Rising Flames
Rising Flames is a Phoenix ability that lets Clive launch a fireball at his enemy, dealing moderate damage and knocking them into the air. It is one of the best abilities for starting your aerial combos, as it has a fast cooldown time and can hit multiple enemies at once if they are close together. Rising Flames can also be used as a ranged attack if you need to keep your distance from your foes.
Rising Flames can be learned for 0 AP, as it is one of the starting abilities of the Phoenix Eikon. It can be upgraded for 20 AP and mastered for 40 AP. Mastering it increases its potency and adds a fire effect to your fireball. You can find Rising Flames in the Phoenix menu of the Abilities screen.
5. Aerial Blast and Wicked Wheel
Aerial Blast and Wicked Wheel are two abilities that belong to the Garuda Eikon, the second one that Clive obtains in the game. They are both aerial moves that let Clive spin around and slash his enemies with his sword, dealing wind damage and creating a whirlwind that sucks in nearby foes. Aerial Blast and Wicked Wheel are easy to use and very effective for extending your aerial combos, as they can hit multiple enemies at once and keep them in the air for a long time.
Aerial Blast and Wicked Wheel can be learned for 25 AP each, upgraded for 35 AP each and mastered for 70 AP each. Mastering them increases their potency and adds a wind effect to your slashes. You can find Aerial Blast and Wicked Wheel in the Garuda menu of the Abilities screen.
4. Burning Blade
Burning Blade is another Phoenix ability that lets Clive charge up his sword with fire and unleash a powerful slash that can knock down or launch his enemies. It is one of the most versatile abilities in the game, as it can be used on the ground or in the air, and can be charged for different effects. If you charge it on the ground, it will knock down most of the smaller enemies, but if you charge it in the air, it will launch them into the air, setting up your aerial combos.
Burning Blade can be learned for 25 AP, upgraded for 35 AP and mastered for 160 AP. Mastering it increases its potency and adds a fire effect to your slash. You can find Burning Blade in the Phoenix menu of the Abilities screen.
3. Flames of Rebirth
Flames of Rebirth is a Phoenix ability that lets Clive summon a massive pillar of fire that burns all enemies caught within the flames, while also partially restoring his HP. It is one of the best abilities for dealing damage to multiple enemies at once, as well as healing yourself in a pinch. Flames of Rebirth has a long cooldown time, but it is well worth it for its power and utility.
Flames of Rebirth can be learned for 1695 AP, upgraded for 2390 AP and mastered for 4250 AP. Mastering it increases its potency and adds a fire effect to your pillar of fire. You can find Flames of Rebirth in the Phoenix menu of the Abilities screen.
2. Phoenix Shift
Phoenix Shift is a Phoenix ability that lets Clive transform into the Phoenix Eikon himself, gaining access to new moves and increased stats. It is arguably the best and most vital ability in Clive’s toolkit for the entire game, as it allows him to turn the tide of any battle in his favor. Phoenix Shift has a limited duration and can only be activated
once per battle, so you have to use it wisely. When in Phoenix Shift mode, Clive can use the following moves:
- Firestorm: a powerful fire blast that hits all enemies in front of Clive.
- Flame Sweep: a sweeping fire slash that hits all enemies around Clive.
- Inferno: a massive fire explosion that hits all enemies on the screen.
Phoenix Shift can be learned for 1995 AP, upgraded for 2790 AP and mastered for 4650 AP. Mastering it increases its duration and adds a fire effect to Clive’s appearance. You can find Phoenix Shift in the Phoenix menu of the Abilities screen.
1. Eikon Shift
Eikon Shift is a general ability that lets Clive transform into any Eikon that he has obtained in the game, not just the Phoenix. It works similarly to Phoenix Shift, but with different moves and effects depending on the Eikon. Eikon Shift is the ultimate ability in Final Fantasy XVI, as it gives Clive access to a variety of elemental powers and strategies. Eikon Shift also has a limited duration and can only be activated once per battle, so you have to choose carefully which Eikon to use for each situation.
Eikon Shift can be learned for 2495 AP, upgraded for 3490 AP and mastered for 5650 AP. Mastering it increases its duration and adds an elemental effect to Clive’s appearance. You can find Eikon Shift in the General menu of the Abilities screen.
These are the 10 best abilities in Final Fantasy XVI that we recommend you to learn, upgrade and master as soon as possible. They will make your combat experience more fun, dynamic and rewarding, as you unleash your Eikon powers on your enemies. Of course, there are many other abilities in the game that are also worth trying out, so feel free to experiment and find your own favorites.
We hope you enjoyed this article and found it helpful. If you did, please share it with your friends and fellow Final Fantasy fans. And if you have any questions or feedback, please leave them in the comments below. Thank you for reading and happy gaming!
What are abilities in Final Fantasy XVI?
Abilities are special moves that Clive can use in combat, based on the Eikons that he can summon and control. Each Eikon has four abilities that Clive can learn, upgrade and master, giving him different elemental powers and effects.